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19 Crimes Hard Chard 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes Hard Chard is deep, rich and golden filled with stone fruit aromas and a sweet textured palate. The Hard Chard honours the brave contributions of the women banished to Australia with the boldest expression of Chardonnay they could make.

Astrolabe Province Marlborough Chardonnay 750ml

In the Province range, Astrolabe emphasises the varietal intensity created by Marlborough's leafy vineyards, ripe fruit and cool-climate winegrowing conditions. Astrolabe Chardonnay combines elegant texture with a tight structure. The natural stonefruit and citrus flavours are complemented by aromatic complexity and texture creating an elegant, dry and mouth-filling wine. Stone fruit, vanilla creaminess, toasty oak, pleasing weight and a long, dry and mineral finish. The length and subtle power and will satisfy those who mainly come to the category of Chardonnay with a background in drinking white Burgundies.

B&B Big & Buttery Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

An opulent, oaky, buttery and toasty styled Chardonnay created with 100% oak barrel fermentation, 100% malolactic fermentation and oak aged in a mix of French and American oak.

Babich Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 750ml

Specially selected from two estate-owned Hawke's Bay vineyards, this unoaked Chardonnay offers a creamy palate with melon and peach flavours, without the intrusion of oak. It has a clean, dry finish.

Babich Irongate Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of lemon curd and stone fruits with apple and cashew. A rich and driving entry with lemon and peach on display early joined by notes of sweet pastry, white stone fruits and grapefruit. Bright focus, lovely poise and very lingering finish.

Bay and Barnes Block Chardonnay 750ml

Bay and Barnes leaned on our cousins across the ditch for the grapes to make this classic Australian Chardonnay. Following harvest, fruit was gently pressed before settling. Specially selected yeasts were used to start fermentation. From there the wine was delicately matured on oak and lees stirred to impart lovely toasty flavours and a creamy texture.

Black Barn Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

Lemon straw with green hue. Citrus, fig and toasty oak. A hint of complexity and a struck match flintiness. A full palate texture, with a spicy oak influence and seamless finish.

Black Cottage Chardonnay 750ml

Pale golden colour with great luminosity. It has a pleasant aroma of green olives with a hint of minerality. It boasts lively fragrances of white nectarines, almonds, a touch of cloves, and brioche. The palate has subtle creaminess and butterscotch, with a purity of fruit and concentration. The wine showcases a delightful harmony between its refreshing acidity and smooth texture. Enjoyed best in the sunshine with great company and a delicious meal of pan-fried fish topped with lemon butter and caper sauce.

Bogle California Chardonnay 750ml

On the nose, expect vibrant aromas of bright citrus, freshly plucked apples and delicate white jasmine. On the palate, stone fruit notes are met with rich undertones of vanilla and clove, harmonized with warm spice and a touch of oak-derived toastiness. The interplay between the oak and fruit brings a balanced finish, with higher toasty notes lingering gracefully.

Bogle Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

This Reserve Chardonnay is a full-blown, 100-percent barrel-fermented with brand new American oak barrels, 100% malolactic fermentation, sur lie, aged on its lees, and bâtonnage twice a month. When you taste that wine, you might think of a baked apple pie with a dollop of vanilla on top of it. From the decadent aromatics, to the velvety texture, to the complex finish, this is hand-crafted wine at its very best.

Church Road Chardonnay 750ml

Found in 1897, Church Road combines traditional winemaking techniques with modern thinking and innovation to craft premium, complex wines. This creamy textured Hawke's Bay Chardonnay is unashamedly just a little bit old school. Ripe peach, tropical fruit and fragrant citrus notes are enhanced by toasty oak, wild fermentation, full malolactic and regular yeast lees string. This approach delivers layers of flavour reminiscent of toasted brioche, roasted hazelnut and sizzle butter.

Church Road Grand Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

A fuller bodied Chardonnay balanced by gentle, fresh acidity and a spine of slate-like minerality. Fresh zesty citrus and citrus blossom notes are to the fore with riper, richer stonefruit underlying and providing extra depth. The fruit is overlaid with complexities of roasted nuts, toasted brioche, and a hint of struck flint and gun smoke. Already drinking exceptionally well, with age the wine will develop more complex, savoury nuttiness and will gain breadth and richness on the palate.
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